argocd login openshift-gitops-server-openshift-gitops.apps.$(oc get DNS cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}') --username kubeadmin --password <password> --sso --insecure
argocd repo add https://inter.net/spam.git --username <username> --password <password> --insecure-skip-server-verification
file completion
. <(argocd completion bash)
list applications
argocd --grpc-web app list --grpc-web
sync application
argocd --grpc-web app sync openshift-gitops/rb-infra-ocp-02
what does it mean
ApplicationSet Automating the generation of Argo CD Applications with the ApplicationSet Controller
look at attributes
oc api-resources | grep -Ei 'argo|git' | while read line end ; do echo '***' $line $end ; oc get $line -A ; done