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My android device is a htc desire.

useful links desire



shell access

access. /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ID_VENDOR_ID=="0bb4", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ID_VENDOR_ID=="18d1", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ID_VENDOR_ID=="05ac", MODE="0666"

start device manager

adb usb

kill device manager

adb kill-server

display devices.

adb devices

get a shell on device

adb shell

run command on device and handle output locally.

adb shell ls /system/bin | less

mount filesystem rw

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mount -o remount,rw /dev/root /

full access to filesystem

Boot device in recovery mode.

Press volume down while pressing power on.


Install dropbear.

adb remount adb push dropbear /system/bin/dropbear
adb push dropbearkey /system/bin/dropbearkey
adb push 95dropbear /system/etc/init.d/95dropbear
adb shell chmod 755 /system/bin/dropbear /system/bin/dropbearkey /system/etc/init.d/95dropbear

Change password dropbear

-C cleartext password.

Generate ssh keys

dropbearkey -t rsa -f /data/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
dropbearkey -t dss -f /data/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key


adb push busybox /system/xbin/busybox
chmod 4755 busybox
cd /system/xbin
./busybox --install -s .

flash radio

How to flash the radios:

Make sure you have the usb driver installed from the android sdk

  1. Turn your desire off
  2. Hold the back button and turn your desire on
  3. When you are at the white screen, make sure BOOTLOADER is selected and press the power button
  4. Wait a few seconds then press volume down to select RECOVERY and press the power button again
  5. When you are at the screen with the red triangle and the phone, plug in the usb cable
  6. Run the recovery-windows.bat script from modaco r5 root pack
  7. When the recovery menu appears select 'Flash zip from sdcard'
  8. Select the radio zip file and press the trackerball to confirm
  9. Press the trackerball over 'Reboot system now'
  10. When the radio image has finished being written unplug the usb cable
  11. The phone will reboot a couple of times and then return to a normal state with your new radio