
From Halfface
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What does it mean?

csi                   Container Storage Interface
cri                   Container Runtime Interface
ocp                   OpenShift Container Platform
uWSGI                 Project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services.
ipi                   Installer-Provisioned Infrastructure
upi                   User-Provisioned Infrastructure
pv                    Persistent volume. Persistent storage.
pvc                   Persistent volume claim.


oc login --username developerhttps://openshift:6443

switch user

oc login --username developer

which clusters have you logged into

oc config get-clusters

List projects

oc projects
oc get projects

select project

oc project $project

list pods

oc get pods
oc get pods --all-namespaces
oc get pods -o wide

wide will give you on which node pod is running.

oc get pods -o wide --all-namespaces

get services

oc get svc

get shell on node

oc debug node/

Get working env

chroot /host

get nodes

oc get nodes
oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'

connect to pod

oc rsh $pod bash

when several pods

oc get pod/router-default-6b76b87c6-5m7h6 -n openshift-ingress -o json | jq -r '.spec.containers[].name'
[2021-05-17 15:41:51 user@host:~]
oc rsh -c router pod/router-default-6b76b87c6-5m7h6

execute command in pod

oc exec pod/router-default-545ffb97db-4h9rx -- $command

describe pods

oc describe pods
oc describe pod stage-sales-62-qjd

To get (almost) all object with a specific label from the current project, execute:

oc get all -l '<label_name>=<label_value>'


oc logs -f router-default-6b76b87c6-4lc4b logs > /tmp/tmp
oc logs -f --tail=0 router-default-6c666984fd-ct8zf logs

get config from pod in yaml format

oc get pods router-default-545ffb97db-kgsdb -o yaml

get deployments

oc get deployment

set environment variable in pod

oc set env dc/your-app-name COLOR=blue

unset environment variable in pod

oc set env dc/your-app-name COLOR-

list environment variables

oc set env pod/router-default-545ffb97db-lj2t5 --list

list templates

oc get templates -n openshift

Custom resource definitions.(crd)

oc get crd



oc get crd --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp


oc edit deployment.apps/router-default

Watch changes taking place.

watch -n1 oc get all

grant permission to project

oc adm policy add-role-to-user view developer -n mysecrets


List running containers

crictl ps

List all pods

crictl pods

List all images

crictl images

Execute a command in a running container

crictl exec -it 1f73f2d81bf98 /bin/sh


run program in different namespaces

which version

oc version

copy files from pod

Copy session keys locally.

oc rsync caas-2-8s6cl:/tmp/sslkeylog .

tcpdump from nodes

ssh $node

oc get route -A

get routing.

oc describe route sales -n hlt-prod

Name:                   sales
Namespace:              hlt-prod
Created:                13 months ago
Labels:                 <none>
Requested Host:
                           exposed on router default (host 13 months ago
Path:                   <none>
TLS Termination:        edge
Insecure Policy:        <none>
Endpoint Port:          port-8000-tcp

Service:        sales
Weight:         100 (100%)
Endpoints:,, + 35 more...

oc get pods -o --no-headers --all-namespaces

Only name without headers

get label:s

oc get pods --no-headers --all-namespaces|grep -i running | head -2 | while read  namespace pod blabla ; do echo '***' oc label pod/$pod --list=true -n $namespace ; oc label pod/$pod --list=true -n $namespace ; done

get subscriptions

oc get subscriptions -A

oc whoami

who am i

oc explain pv

oc explain pv

oc get configmap cluster-monitoring-config

put node offline

Mark a node as unschedulable.

oc adm cordon node1

Drain a node in preparation for maintenance.

oc adm drain <node> --force --delete-emptydir-data --ignore-daemonsets
oc adm drain <node> --ignore-daemonsets --force --grace-period=30 --delete-local-data

Mark node as online.

oc adm uncordon node1

Get pv:s

oc get pv

Get more info about a pv.

oc describe pv $PV

get pvc:s

oc get pvc --all-namespaces | less


List contexts

kubectl config get-contexts

Select context

kubectl config use-context default/api-blabla-halfface-se:6443/kube:admin

list groups

oc get groups